Mining Ship Comparison

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If you manage to reveal the Core on the given grid, and beat it by simply clicking on it a few times and checking if you have enough health, then you will successfully hack the container. The drafting instructor at my old school printed it off in massive poster format as my graduation gift :D Posted - 2010. But if you've been playing for some time and have a certain knowledge of the exploration ships, you will see why Astero is considered to be the best in this game. However, the dual repairer fit is very practical when it comes to exploration.

If you do not have enough capacitor to warp all the way to your destination, you might still be able to initiate warp. As of March 10, 2009, a boxed edition is available in shops. They have smaller cargo bays than T1 freighters, but can use both jump gates and. Event occurs at 11min 54s.

EVE - You will learn how to increase your ship's power and cpu and other attributes, what to do if your ship is destroyed, and more. Archived from on February 27, 2009.

It's main purpose is to allow interested readers to reproduce the numbers and calculations which are the fact base for this guide. Here is a collection of average survey scan reults from Singq Laison and Tash Murkon: Security Veldspar Scordite Plagioclase Omber Pyroxeres Kernite 1 40,227 17,802 17,957 0. For Example one unit of of Veldspar has 0. This multiplied with the number of Asteroids 40,227 makes 4,022m3. Veldspar Scordite Plagioclase Omber Pyroxeres Kernite 1. Here we analyze the number of seconds a mining laser operates on an asteroid until it is depleted. Higher values are green, because we are lazy and to not want to target new asteroids too often. To calculate the number for seconds we take the in a 0. So in this case the mining laser runs for 6 full cycles each with 144s. eve online ship chart Because we have three lasers which are started and stopped randomly on different asteroids we get an average time interval of one third of that. So each 288 seconds an Asteroid is depleted when mining Veldspare in a 0. Ship Veldspar Scordite Plagioclase Omber Pyroxeres Kernite Procurer 486 324 648 324 486 648 Skiff 437 291 437 291 437 437 Retriever 405 243 486 324 405 486 Mackinaw 364 218 437 291 364 437 Covetor 288 192 384 240 336 384 Hulk 244 163 326 204 285 326 Eve online ship chart Hold fill times In this table we ask how long it takes to fill the cargo hold of a certain ship. Ship Cargo Hold m3 seconds to fill orca boost Venture 5,000 587 345 Procurer 12,000 664 390 Skiff 15,000 686 403 Retriever 27,500 1,397 822 Mackinaw 35,000 1,601 942 Covetor 7,000 287 168 Hulk 8,500 296 174 As you see the Hulk and Covetor are filled up after just two cycles, so it is not possible to mine with them without doing jet-canning or having an orca's fleet hangar open nearby. Ore Prices in Jita Here we extracted the market history from different ores via. We then calculated the 20 day moving average for each day. Regional Market Differences Here we extracted the market history from Scordite in two different regions. We picked The Forge as the region with the most market traffic and on the other extreme we picked Derelik which is among the high-sec regions with the lowest traffic. We then caclulated the 20-day-moving-average for the amount of scordite converted in m3 and displayed it as blue lines in the diagram on the left y-axis. Then we added the 20-day-moving-price-average as yellow lines on the right y-axis. But at the same time there are 6,735,000m3 sold per day in The Forge while only 506,000m3 are sold per day in Derelik. So if you buy all Scordite in Derelik for a 20% cheaper price you would not even fill a freighter with it. Mineral Density and Market Prices Scordite vs. Omber The mineral density is a theory which derives ore values from the blue print data. Here we check how this assumptions match to market prices. So according to the mineral density scordite is twice as valuable as omber. Note that the market data shows that it is sold much more often than omber which is an indication for its popularity but at the same time it is an indication for over abundance which in turn lowers its market value. So from the 2014 market history from The Forge we learn that scordite solds averagely 6. So the market data on Scordite is not clearly twice as good as Omber but around 20% better. Note that these are average values. There have been times when Scordite and Omber nearly sold identically. Kernite Here the average value of Kernite is determined with 3. Pyroxeres Here the average value of Pyroxeres is determined with 10. Plagioclase Here the average value of Pyroxeres is determined with 10. Veldspar Here the average value of Veldspar is determined with 11. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks eve online ship chart the property of their respective owners.

Starships size comparison
Players and communities Players have several interaction options when playing Eve Online. Archived from on March 14, 2010. Archived from on September 9, 2012. Actually a way to print it all is what I'm looking for. Your shield has resistances to different types of weapons. Of particular note in this tournament was the fielding of an Imperial Apocalypse by the Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate. The Titan is about the size of a country. Strategic cruisers are rare and expensive, and require unique skillsets on the part of manufacturers that allow the reverse engineering and integration of highly advanced technologies recovered from dead or dormant ancient civilizations. That should fix the contrast issue. Actually a way to print it all is what I'm looking for. The hitpoints of a ship come from its shield, armor and structure.